Frequently Asked Questions - My order
Welcome to Dedicated’s FAQ! Here you'll find answers to the most common questions regarding your Order. If you still can't find what you're looking for, send us an email, we're happy to help!
When do I receive my order?
We dispatch all orders within 24 hrs on working days. Holidays and bank holidays might affect this time. When the order is shipped you receive a shipping confirmation e-mail. From when the order is shipped it should take 2-7 working days depending on where in the world you live. If it takes longer, please contact us and we’ll have a look at what might have happened.
Did my order go through?
An order confirmation e-mail is sent immediately after the order is placed. Check your inbox and junk mail, and add [email protected] to your contact book for future purchases. If it is missing, chances are that your order did not go through correctly. Please contact us and we’ll sort it out!
What is Customer information
Customer information such as name, address, phone number and email address is needed to complete your order. You as customer are responsible for giving the correct information. DEDICATED does not take responsibility for orders not delivered due to the wrong information.
I did not receive an order confirmation/entered the wrong email.
If you did not receive an order confirmation when you placed your order, check your spam and campaign inbox if the confirmation ended up there.
If you can not find it in your inbox or the spam inbox, please contact us via e-mail and we will help you.
Can I change my order?
We start working on your order as soon as it is placed, so there is a very limited time-frame in which you can amend or cancel it. If you would like to make any changes, please contact us as soon as possible by e-mail.
Can I add items to my order?
Unfortunately we cannot add items to an existing order.
Can you send my order as a gift for customs purposes?
No. The purchase price needs to be stated correctly on our parcels. If an item is on sale we will declare the sale price and not the original retail price.
Do I have to pay international taxes and duties?
Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. We cannot control and are not responsible for any duties/taxes applied to your package upon delivery. You will be responsible for paying additional charges for customs clearance. Customs policies vary widely from country to country, please contact your local customs office for further information.
Customers from Norway will pay 25% VAT directly to Dedicated on all orders up to 3000 NOK.
Dedicated will declare the VAT directly to the Norwegian government.
No custom fees on these orders (up to 3000 NOK) will be issued.
Dedicateds VOEC number is 2054736.
There are pieces missing from my order.
If pieces are missing from your order, contact us as soon as possible and we will have a look at it.
My order is missing.
Contact us and we will sort it out for you.
How can I unsubscribe from your newsletters?
At the bottom of the latest newsletter you received, is a link for unsubscribing from our newsletters.